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A Day in the Life at the AMI Farm at Augusta Health

By Lex Kohler, Community Fellow

What are the Fellows up to on the Augusta Health Farm? Check out a day in the life with Community Fellow and Farm Assistant, Lex!

A big part of our job is harvesting, washing and packing vegetables for distribution to programs and participants.

Swiss chard was a staple of our early spring produce distribution, as it had been grown over the winter in our high tunnel. This is a photo of it in the process of bolting – or going to seed – taken shortly before we mowed it in, broad-forked the bed, then planted cucumbers.

Big romaine lettuce heads. They take a long time to dry after washing, but they sure are pretty.

I like beets because they are easy to wash and dry, and maybe even more pretty.

Check out this purple broccoli! Unfortunately, it turns green once it’s cooked.

In between harvesting and planting, we are always identifying new “weeds” in the garden. This is a particularly prickly catchweed.

Another weed. They’re everywhere! This is Galinsoga.

Arden and I are taking the lead on flower production this year. Preparing to plant our first succession in late April was quite exciting.

Dianthus was the first to bloom, in May.

Now, Larkspur is blooming too and three more beds of flowers have been planted.

Finally, after a hard day’s work, I rewarded myself with a fresh-picked strawberry. Delicious!



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